Avanti tells the Bank person that fake note was not her,,One client came and gave her that..Avanti tells not to seal her shop..Bankperson tells that he understand that As Bhuwan called and said..He tells that Only Virat can help Avanti,,As Virat’s company is strong everyone listens to him..The Bankperson goes..DJ tells how Avanti convince virat??Virat tells there’s once way she convince Virat..VIrat signs the paper and give to Rajat,,Rajat tells that VIrat should not go anywhere he should stay here..Virat tells he cannot stay anymore as he is hurted..Rajat sees Virat goes away..Rajat sits in office and sees the file..Secertery brings File and tells to read and do signature,,Rajat tells He will read..Avanti tells Virat That she took FIR back which her father did..Avanti tells that she want her shop back now..Virat tells he cannot help now as he given all property to Rajat..Avanti gets shocked and thinks..